Interior Designers

Brian Everton


Brian Everton is a professional Interior Designer specialising in functional design for products and buildings with respect to disabilities, aging, and Universal Design. He holds a Bachelor of Interior Design from the University of Manitoba and studied Industrial Design Technology at Red River College.

Since 2004, Everton has operated Design For All Inc., a consulting firm specialised in accessibility, Universal Design, and inclusive design. Everton works in collaboration with other professional designers to help integrate input from a range of parties (persons with disabilities, advocacy organisations, medical and rehabilitation specialists). His projects range from single family dwellings, of which he has worked on 350+ in Manitoba, to major architectural developments like the Winnipeg Airport Redevelopment project and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Everton has made significant contributions to the profession through his service on committees and working groups. These include, but are not limited to, service on the Standing Committee on Use and Egress, the Task Group on Barrier-Free Design, and the Working Group on Visitability Design of the National Research Council of Canada; the Accessible Urban Spaces Committee of the UN-Habitat World Urban Forum; and the Technical Subcommittee on Accessible Housing Standard of the Canadian Standards Association. Everton has also acted as Vice-President, President, and Past-President of The Professional Interior Designers of Manitoba and the Vice-President and Director of the Interior Designers of Canada. He co-authored the “Accessible Downtown Residential Communities: A Case Study of Winnipeg, Manitoba” published by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the “Accessibility Standards and Universal Design Developments in Canada: Universal Design Handbook.”

Everton’s contributions have been acknowledged through a number of awards, including an IAUD 2016 Gold Award from the International Association for Universal Design, the Visitable Housing Canada First Prize, and the Hope MacKenzie Volunteer Award from The Professional Interior Designers Institute of Manitoba. He has presented at several international conferences and symposia on topics of accessibility and design.